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Welcome to Gaindegia´s mailing list. The aim of this mailing list is to have arrive the references and news hangs up in GAINDEGIA´s web (report, publications, news).

Support Gaindegia

GAINDEGIA, the Observatory of Economic and Social Development of Euskal Herria, needs your support to become a truly effective OBSERVATORY and an effective tool for the promotion of our country's economic development.

Please contact us if you would like to help Gaindegia financially to pursue its objectives and projects (research, creation of the observatory, etc.) and develop and distribute its documents and publications (reports, studies, annual report, etc.).

Euskal Herria from the statistical watchtower 2006

Euskal Herria from the statistical watchtower 2006

  • Original Title: Euskal Herria datuen talaiatik 2006

  • Publisher: udalbiltza. In colaboration with: Gaindegia and Nazio Garapen Biltzarra.

  • Pages: 323 + attachments

  • Languages: basque