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Azken argitalpenak

Percentage of establishments of the primary sector in the Basque Country

var lon = -2.04; var lat = 42.74; var zoom = 7; var map; window.onload = function(){ map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map', {maxResolution: 'auto'} ); var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "", "", {layers: 'Udalerriak_SU_1S'}, {singleTile: true, attribution: ""} ); map.addLayer(layer); map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat), zoom); map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher() ); map.addCon

Report Gaindegia 2010: significant as much in contents as in collaborator

With an ample gallery of indicators and the section of monographic reinforced Gaindegia has published the Report of the 2010. The subjects analyzed in depth are the internationalization, the picture of the oldness, the immigration and the age of retirement in Iparralde and Hegoalde. With the subject of the index of human development we inaugurated the section Forum of debate. Ex- lehendakari Juan Jose Ibarretxe prologa the publication. The report is available free in the store of Gaindegia.


Fruit of the effort to understand the reality sozio-economic of the Basque Country the REPORT GAINDEGIA 2008 already is available. The publication collects in his have keys to understand the economic recession or the energetic dependency of the Basque Country. New data and analysis in this new publication. Read all the content in Gaindegia Report 2008.

The Basque Country

A new publication with the aim of presenting The Basque Country to inmigrants and tourists has born, elaborated by different departments from the Basque Government.The Country Basque has been translated into 7 languages.

Read the book in the Web site of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government.