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The localities and cities with the largest population are in Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Nafarroa (Navarre), where the largest number of residents is clustered in smaller geographical areas. Portugalete (14,075 inhabitants per km²) and Barañáin (14,048 inhabitants per km²) are the municipalities with the highest population densities in the Basque Country, followed by Burlada, Villava, Bilbao and Pamplona, all with a population density of over 8,000 inhabitants per km². There are also municipalities with high densities around the major urban centres, such as Santurtzi, Basauri and Getxo. In some smaller municipalities, on the other hand, the density is considerably lower, with less than 100 inhabitants per km², because of their more dispersed populations. The ten places with the lowest density are: Gallipienzo, Ujué, Larrau, Güesa, Roncesvalles, Navascués, Petilla de Aragón, Ezprogui, Urraúl Alto and Castillo-Nuevo.

Compared to other European regions, the Basque Country in general has an average density, but points with higher densities can be observed in its urban areas, comparable to other major European conurbations, such as Berlin, Brussels and some districts of the Île de France. On the other hand, rural areas of the Basque Country are more similar to other more dispersed mountain and country regions of Europe. Thus, the Basque Country shows contrasts in terms of population density and distribution: a high concentration in the metropolitan areas and a greater dispersion in rural areas.