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GAINDEGIA REPORT 2007 is ready. This work prensents the main facts to understand the economic and social situation of the Basque Country in a pleasant and showy way.

REPORT GAINDEGIA 2007 gathers in the following contents:

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GAINDEGIA, the Observatory of Economic and Social Development of Euskal Herria, needs your support to become a truly effective OBSERVATORY and an effective tool for the promotion of our country's economic development.

Euskal Herria from the statistical watchtower 2006

Euskal Herria from the statistical watchtower 2006

  • Original Title: Euskal Herria datuen talaiatik 2006

  • Publisher: udalbiltza. In colaboration with: Gaindegia and Nazio Garapen Biltzarra.

  • Pages: 323 + attachments

  • Languages: basque