The new Basque Country atlas is brought to you by Gaindegia
Gaindegia has renewed the Basque Country atlas and has created a new platform incorporating a vast amount of data on Basque Country as a whole to represent it on maps.

Gaindegia is developing the Basque Country open data portal: www.datuak.net
This platform offers open and reusable work files on economy, society, demographics and environment in Basque Country (opendata philosophy).

[Euskalgeo.net]: Basque Country's spatial data portal is up and running
This portal intends, above all, to be a work tool for students, researchers and other professionals. Right now, the portal offers a basic catalogue (catalogue of towns, districts, ports, airports, etc.) that will be added to over the coming months.
Leading mobility infrastructures
The Basque Country has important mobility infrastructures. Compared to European Union countries, the Basque Country's indices are some of the highest both in density of vehicles and kilometres of motorways, as well as rail electrification. (Note*)
Hyper-urban areas and disconnected municipalities in Basque Country
The Basque Country has important mobility infrastructures. Among European Union countries, the Basque Country's indices are some of the highest both in density of vehicles and kilometres of motorways, as well as rail electrification.(Note*)
Updates labour market indicators in www.atlasa.net
You have updates on the labor market indicators in The Atlas of the economy and society of the Basque Country, www.atlasa.net. You can check the information in the level of municipalities, counties, and even in provinces or as nation.
Unequal service accessibility in the Basque Country
The Basque Country presents wide ranging service coverage with significant geographic accessibility for most of its inhabitants. However, a simple geographic study on its location shows us that this accessibility varies according to the territory. Territorial patterns applied in some cases have drastic consequences. (Note*)
An economy with top flight rates
The macro-economic indices for the Basque Country are top flight in Europe. Our economy is industrial and exporting, generating a lot of wealth. In addition, RTD investment was strengthened over the last few years before the recession. This contrasts with the fact that in this situation, RTD investment tends to cut back although it is well-known to be one of the mainstays to overcome the recession by creating jobs with a future. *(Note)
A territory with initiative and low demographic replacement
Figures on demographic structure and business activity reveal a territory with a high degree of initiative. However, this snapshot should be viewed from two perspectives: one the one hand rural districts demonstrate the highest levels of entrepreneurism and on the other, some of the most industrial areas, specifically areas with the greatest capital in other territories, have suffered most from deindustrialisation and unemployment. *(Note)