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A modern society with strong contradictions

Social indicators in fields such as training, job market or social protection from the Basque Country present reasonably high standards. However, although the data from our economy regarding competitiveness, productivity, GDP, etc. puts us in the context of the most economically developed countries, social indicators do not necessarily match up. *(Note)


Western demography in the Basque Country

Our demography is very similar to other European countries. However, this territory is home to significant contrasts as it combines areas with a high concentration of people and sparsely populated areas facing an uncertain future. The outlook is not all that bleak as some of these areas are demonstrating positive demographic stability trends.

A similar scenario to other western societies

Percentage of establishments of the primary sector in the Basque Country

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Report Gaindegia 2010: significant as much in contents as in collaborator

With an ample gallery of indicators and the section of monographic reinforced Gaindegia has published the Report of the 2010. The subjects analyzed in depth are the internationalization, the picture of the oldness, the immigration and the age of retirement in Iparralde and Hegoalde. With the subject of the index of human development we inaugurated the section Forum of debate. Ex- lehendakari Juan Jose Ibarretxe prologa the publication. The report is available free in the store of Gaindegia.